Redbull Megaloop 2019 – Pays-Bas

Oui, tous les feux sont verts! Le Red Bull Megaloop aura lieu le samedi 8 juin 2019.

16 kiteboarders seront mis au défi de montrer leur plus grand mégaloops dans les conditions météorologiques les plus extrêmes aux Pays-Bas, avec des vents allant jusqu’à 40 nœuds ou plus.

En live sur: youtube

Résultats Finaux:

1. Joueur Ross-Dillon – 7.90 – GAGNANT

2. Oswald Smith – 7,60

3. Lasse Walker – 7,47

4. Liam Whaley – 6,83

Voici nos riders talentueux:

Lasse Walker

Signature move: megaloop double front roll / megaloop board off

Ons fact nobody knows about you: I’m easily scared. Like in many other sports I’m super afraid of falling.

Date of birth: 15-02-1995

Country: The Netherlands

Joshua Emanuel

Signature move: Backroll megaloop 

One fact nobody knows about you: I used to be quite the fat kid and weighed up 118kg 

Birth date: 25-02-1994

Country: South Africa

Kevin Langeree

Signature move: Kiteloop board off

One fact nobody knows about you: I listen reggae before my heats to get pumped up! 

Birth date: 21-07-1988

Country: The Netherlands

Ross-Dillon Player

Signature move: Frontroll megaloop 720

One fact nobody knows about you: Scared of heights 

Birth date: 03-04-1999

Country: South Africa

Kevin de Smidt

Signature move: Megaloop late backroll

One fact nobody knows about you: I love listening to Dutch music sometimes

Birth date: 11-01-1990

Country: Netherlands

Gijs Wassenaar

Signature move: Backroll kiteloop Late roll

One fact nobody knows about you: No comment

Birth date: 13-09-1994

Country: Netherlands

Louk Timmer

Signature move: Heart Attack

One fact nobody knows about you: I check at least 4 times if my car is locked when leaving my kitegear in the car

Birth date: 02-04-1993

Country: The Netherlands

Janek Grzegorzewski

Signature move: Megaloop Board off

One fact nobody knows about you: I have been training fencing for 8 years before I started kitesurfing.

Birth date: 21-09-2000

Country: Poland

Antoine Clerc

Signature move: Guy high Kite low !

One fact nobody knows about you: How many days I can live with only one underwear. 

Birth date: 09-04-1992

Country: France

Ben van den Burg

My signature move: Frontroll Megaloop

One fact nobody knows about you: I’m actually an insecure guy

Birth date: 23-10-1983

Country: The Netherlands

Ryan de Witte

Signature move: Kiteloop with a smile.

One fact nobody knows about you: I like surfing more than kitesurfing.

Birth date: 28-02-1997

Country: The Netherlands

Jerrie van de Kop

Signature move: Megaloop double front

One fact nobody knows about you: I’ll keep it that way, haha

Birth date: 06-05-1994

Country: The Netherlands

Steven Akkersdijk

Signature move: …

One fact nobody knows about you: it’s just me and the elements.

Birth date: 01-06-1993

Country: The Netherlands


The holy ground of Megaloop

Strandafgang Barnaart 23a
2041 KB Zandvoort


Venez nous rejoindre et regarder toute l’action en direct (aucun droit d’entrée). Il n’ya pas de meilleur spot que celui du beachclub ‘The Spot’ à Zandvoort aux Pays-Bas pour s’envoler encore plus haut.

Source: Rebull Megaloop


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